Kim is an award-winning writer with more than 35 years of experience, including as a longform narrative writer, daily newspaper reporter and editor, magazine editor, and speechwriter. She manages the University of Michigan Heritage Project, a nationally recognized storytelling site that explores the university’s past. The Heritage Project earned top honors in the 2020 Circle of Excellence Awards from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), with judges noting, “Each story in this series reads like a novella that we could not put down, thanks to meticulous research and perfect pacing.”
She was the editor of Always Leading, Forever Valiant: Stories of the University of Michigan, 1817-2017 (University of Michigan Press, 2017). She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Central Michigan University and a master’s degree in social science and American culture from Eastern Michigan University.
She is working on a book about those who gave their lives during World War II, including her grandfather, and the unacknowledged heroes who brought them home. Her research and writing has been featured in World War II magazine. She is represented by Folio Literary Management of New York.